Friday, December 19, 2003

Apple, Reprise to offer blank, collectible LOTR CDs

Now this, this is dorky.

Apple, Reprise to offer blank, collectible LOTR CDs

"Apple and Time Warner's Reprise Records label today will begin marketing blank 'Lord of the Rings'-themed CDs designed for fans to purchase the CD and use it to store a digital copy of the film soundtrack bought online, according to The LA Times: 'As part of the promotion, the label will sell three different blank CDs outfitted with images from Time Warner's 'The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King' film. Apple's iTunes Music Store will offer the recordable CDs, which will sell for $5, exclusively today through Jan. 5....Label executives are pitching the blank CD as a collectible item. Reprise will press 1,000 copies of each of the three discs, and each will be numbered.'"

Court Rejects Music Industry Subpoenas

It's about damn time...

Court Rejects Music Industry Subpoenas

"The recording industry's effort to curtail online piracy was dealt a significant blow today when a federal appeals court ruled that Internet service providers cannot be compelled to disclose the identities of customers suspected of illegally sharing copyrighted songs."

Gold Rush Games

I've entered the new affliate program for Gold Rush games. If you look to the right, you will see links for some of their products, just click on the links and buy away. Yes, I do get a very small amount for it. Just enough (probably) to buy some of their stuff. Trying to make it self-supporting, I guess. Check it out, I wouldn't huck the stuff if I didnt' like it.

Thursday, December 18, 2003

Free Roleplaying Games

Free Roleplaying Games

Callgirl of Cthulhu

I am faintly disturbed by this.

Callgirl of Cthulhu

"This piece was inspired by H.P. Lovecraft with an extra healthy dose of squid and crab thrown in for good measure. She is painted with an iridescent 3 tone paint job, with clear urethane tentacles and spines. "

Wizard Entertainment

I can't decide if this is good or bad.
Wizard Entertainment

"Claremont and Byrne to collaborate on six-issue JLA tale for DC"


StrataCafe: "Name: John Byrne

Location: Center of the Universe

Self Description:
God Among Men

Full-Time Job:
Evil Genius

Writing and drawing comics."

Wednesday, December 17, 2003

wicked templates

A site with templates for blogger and other similar sites.

Kitty Yo - Mp3 for your listening pleasure

I found this site because they put our Peaches' CDs....among others. A very ecclectic and interesting looking label.

swens blog

WIRE is an experimental music magazine published in the UK. I caught an issue of it, its pretty good. This site has downloads for artists who have been featured in issues of WIRE.

This is a link to the front page of the blog.