Tuesday, November 16, 2004


Discovery of Atlantis Website

"What if one of humankind’s greatest mysteries could be solved by a single geographical and archeological discovery—the discovery of the actual location of the legendary Atlantis?"

Monday, November 15, 2004

'Flash' comic creator Harry Lampert dies

'Flash' comic creator Harry Lampert dies

"Harry Lampert, known worldwide as the creator of the DC Comic hero 'The Flash,' and the author of several popular instructional books about Bridge, died Saturday morning at Boca Raton Community Hospital.

"Lampert, who lived with his wife, Adele, in Deerfield Beach, was suffering from cancer, his family said. He was 88.

"Despite years as a gag cartoonist and then as a bridge aficionado, Lampert will be most remembered by legions of fans for the creation of the 1940s DC comic book 'Flash Comics #1,' which heralded the debut of a college student who, after an accident in a chemical lab, found he had blinding speed and used it to fight crime.
Lampert and writer Gardner Fox collaborated on The Flash before Lampert put ink to paper and made comic book history.

"'He based it on the character in mythology (Hermes) ... the wings on his feet,' said daughter Karen Lampert. 'He had no idea how big it would be.'

"Lampert, who was born Nov. 13, 1916, in New York, began his drawing career at 16, inking cartoons at Fleischer Studios for such popular characters as Popeye, Betty Boop and KoKo the Clown."

Sunday, November 14, 2004

Friday, November 12, 2004

Marvel Sues 2 Cos. Over Role-Playing Game

Marvel Sues 2 Cos. Over Role-Playing Game

"Marvel Enterprises Inc. is suing two firms behind a computer superhero role-playing game it claims allows players to make virtual characters that are too similar to 'The Hulk,' 'X-Men' and other heroes in the comic book company's stable."

Tuesday, November 09, 2004

Actor Colin Farrell Not Interested in 007 Role

Well, gee. Darn.

Actor Colin Farrell Not Interested in 007 Role

"Irish actor Colin Farrell says he is not interested in becoming the next James Bond. Working as Alexander the Great seems to be enough."

Monday, November 08, 2004

Analyzing Customers, Best Buy Decides Not All Are Welcome

I can't imagine customers going to that much effort. Why in the world would you go through the hassles of the lines and wonderful service at Best Buy in order to just "flip" merchandise? This is customer service in its purest form.

Analyzing Customers, Best Buy Decides Not All Are Welcome

"Brad Anderson, chief executive officer of Best Buy Co., is embracing a heretical notion for a retailer. He wants to separate the 'angels' among his 1.5 million daily customers from the 'devils.'
Best Buy's angels are customers who boost profits at the consumer-electronics giant by snapping up high-definition televisions, portable electronics, and newly released DVDs without waiting for markdowns or rebates.

"The devils are its worst customers. They buy products, apply for rebates, return the purchases, then buy them back at returned-merchandise discounts. They load up on 'loss leaders,' severely discounted merchandise designed to boost store traffic, then flip the goods at a profit on eBay. They slap down rock-bottom price quotes from Web sites and demand that Best Buy make good on its lowest-price pledge. 'They can wreak enormous economic havoc,' says Mr. Anderson.

"Best Buy estimates that as many as 100 million of its 500 million customer visits each year are undesirable. And the 54-year-old chief executive wants to be rid of these customers."

Friday, November 05, 2004

Naked bid to fly Down Under - Nov 3, 2004

While it may not be dorky....I do think its funny.

CNN.com - Naked bid to fly Down Under - Nov 3, 2004

"A Canadian man, angry that he was refused a plane ticket to Australia at Los Angeles International Airport, stripped naked, sprinted across the tarmac and climbed into the wheel well of a moving jumbo jet, officials said on Wednesday."

Godchecker - Your Guide To The Gods. Mythology with a twist!

Irreverant yet truthful in its facts. Certainly worth checking out. Be sure to check the "What Would Loki Do?" link.


Thursday, November 04, 2004

Bloggers Said to Blame for Bad Poll Info

This really pisses me off. You know what, bloggers don't try to appear as if they are official newsgathering sources, nor do most of them pretend to be objective (like network news) but this is nuts. I can't believe that the networks don't have the balls to admit that they screwed things up AGAIN with election coverage. If you read the article, you will see that the "blogs" cited (and not all of them are even blogs) even said that the poll results were early and Slate even said "these early exit poll numbers do not divine the name of the winner."

I think that the networks need to take a good long look at their overzealous coverage of the election results, and stop reporting that a candidate has "won" a state when only 3% of the polls are reporting. The networks need to look at themselves, and their coverage of the election and not push the blame off onto others for their mistakes.

Ok, I promise this will be the last political posting for a very long time.

Bloggers Said to Blame for Bad Poll Info

"News organizations promised Wednesday to look into why their Election Day exit polls showed an initial surge for John Kerry, but also blamed bloggers for spreading news that gave a misleading view of the presidential race."

Tuesday, November 02, 2004

Steve Jackson Games Daily Illuminator

But regardless of frustration, or who you support....just go out and vote!

Steve Jackson Games Daily Illuminator - November 2, 2004

"I'll vote today, but I'll be grumpy about it. Like - if one believes the polls - a majority of Americans, I am dissatisfied with the choices that the two-party system has thrown up (and that turn of phrase is no accident). And like the majority of Americans, I am in a very significant sense disenfranchised with respect to the Presidential election. I live in Texas. Texas is clearly in the Bush column. My vote doesn't count; even my local effort wouldn't count. If I want to support Bush, he doesn't need it. If I favor someone else, I cannot tilt the scales his way by as much as a hair. The only way I could have affected the election would have been to send somebody a lot of money. What's wrong with this picture?"

Friday, October 29, 2004

Tuesday, October 26, 2004

Emil Novak of Queen City Bookstore on Out-of-Print TPs

ICv2 Talk Back

"Emil Novak of Queen City Bookstore in Buffalo, New York is concerned about the out-of-stocks on key comic trade paperbacks."

The Great Old Pumpkin

The Great Old Pumpkin, by John Aegard

Mafia Soldiers Support Bush-Cheney

Mafia Soldiers Support Bush-Cheney

"While the Mafia is not in the habit of endorsing presidential candidates, two Colombo family soldiers have spoken with their bulging wallets--and they want four more years for the Bush/Cheney ticket."

The Comics Outsider

A blog geared towards comics, and the infinite amount of rumors that swirl around that industry. Sometimes we can all be such a bunch of gossiping old women. But seriously, this is a very good blog and I think that people with an interest in comics should check it out. Funny and irreverent when it needs to be.

The Comics Outsider [via Colleen]

"A comics rumors website. Contents to be taken with a large handful of salt and then washed down with tequila and probably a half a lime. You'll find no spoilers here (well, unless someone gives me something to spoil but I'll put a big SPOILER somewhere to tell you) and no pimping of my creations because... well, I don't have any."

Monday, October 25, 2004

Area 51

While the warning (below) is from the top of the site's page, all of the links that I clicked on to check worked. The images are broken though, but don't use that as an indicator that you cannot find what you are looking for.

Area 51

"NOTICE: The page below has been permenently FROZEN as of January 2000. Due to resource limitations, this section of our website is no longer maintained, so some links may not work and some information may be out of date. We have retained this page for archive reference only, and we cannot vouch for its accuracy. Broken links will not be repaired, and minor errors will not be corrected. You are responsible for independently verifying any information you may find here."

Historian of Things That Never Were

A gigantic link page of timelines for television shows, movies, books, comics and even the settings from role-playing games. Nice help for those who want to use pre-existing settings, but do not have the time to compile all of this information themselves. A great resource for GMs with a time crunch.

Historian of Things That Never Were

"Edgar Governo: Historian of Things That Never Were"


"Dungeon Majesty" is a cable-access TV show in Southern California of four young women sitting around a table playing Dungeons & Dragons with a male DM. Except intercut with the video of them playing is more video of the women in costume as their characters, acting with not-so-special effects and . . . well, you just have to see it to believe it.

Dungeon Majesty [via Daily Illuminator]

Tuesday, October 19, 2004

The Official Ninja Webpage: REAL Ultimate Power

The Official Ninja Homepage

Mystery Of Dr. Dan Burisch

Mystery Of Dr. Dan Burisch

"I was just going through a massive amount of collected data on my friend Dr. Dan Burisch and found this introduction by B.J. Wolf. I will follow this with how it all ended."

Blue Rose: The Roleplaying Game of Romantic Fantasy

While the system looks interesting (a variant of Green Ronin's Mutants and Masterminds system coupled with variants that they developed for use with d20), I am not certain of the viablity of the setting. But perhaps that is because it isn't something for me. It looks like an appeal to the fans of shoujo manga and anime, but is that a big enough of a gaming market to aim an entire game at them, instead of just developing themed supplements towards that market?

If this is an appeal to get women into gaming (while I applaud it), it seems a rather stereotypical approach. I do hope that it does succeed regardless of the intentions.

Blue Rose: The Roleplaying Game of Romantic Fantasy

"The official home on the Web of Blue Rose, Green Ronin Publishing's Roleplaying Game of Romantic Fantasy. This is the place to find Blue Rose fiction, previews, product support, and information about all of the Blue Rose products."

Monday, October 18, 2004

The X-Files Timeline

Some interesting extrapolations and the work of someone with a lot of free time. Not that your faithful web compiler has any geat shortage of that himself. If I have to explain the X-Files, though, you have certainly come to the wrong site. I may plug some of this into my upcoming Call of Cthluhu campaign.

The X-Files Timeline


The timelines are particularly useful to prospective GMs and Players, wishing to fit werewolves and various other shape changers into their campaigns. Some of it is pretty useful for insertion as backgound material...and some of it can be quite goofy. You make the call.


"Welcome to THERIANTHROPOLOGY 101. Here we hope to raise the awareness of the casual student as to the nature and history of the myriad shapeshifters that have walked, flown, swam, or crawled upon the surface of this Earth.

"At present, the resources offered are but meager. Therianthropology is a fledgling science, combining elements of Anthropology, Mythology, Cryptozoology, Parapsychology, and several studies of a more esoteric nature. Lycanthropology is but one of the disciplines a Therianthropologist may choose to specialize in, but it is considerably better accepted by modern society as a genuine science, as the Lycanthrope, or Werewolf, is by far the most well known 'Primal' in modern 'pop' culture."