Friday, December 24, 2010

Merry Christmas From Batman

The panel is from "The Silent Night of the Batman" in Batman #219 (February 1970, reprinted in Christmas with the Superheroes #1, 1988), written by Mike Friedrich, art by Neal Adams and Dick Giordano, coloring by Jerry Serpe. Via Comics Oughta Be Fun.

Right-wing bloggers decry Nightrunner, DC’s Muslim ‘Batman of Paris’

I know a lot of geeks, gamers and comic fans prefer to ignore political matters, but then that is how this sort of idiocy starts to happen. Seriously, don't these people have some sort of real political issue that they can deal with without having to poke about in comic books for them?
A conservative blogger who earlier sounded the alarm about the perceived attack on the tea party movement in Captain America and warned of the 'anti-American nihilism' of Watchmen has now turned his attention to Bruce Wayne’s recruitment of a Muslim to be the Batman of Paris.

But Nightrunner, the parkour-trained crimefighter introduced in this month’s Detective Comics Annual #12, isn’t just any Muslim — he’s a 22-year-old Algerian Muslim living in Clichy-sous-Bois, the poor commune east of Paris best known outside of France as the epicenter of the 2005 riots. And that doesn’t sit well with Warner Todd Huston.
Don't get me wrong, people like this have as much right to spout dumb crap about comics as anyone who frequents any of the many, many comic blogs, forums and websites around the world. It's just that I have a difficulty with taking someone trying to attack the politics of Batman seriously.

Monday, December 20, 2010

Long Time DC Colorist Adrienne Roy Passes Away

Adrienne Roy, who created color designs for most of DC Comics' top comic books for more than two decades, lost a year-long battle with cancer on December 14. She was 57 years old.

A native of Verona, New Jersey and a Magna Cum Laude fine art graduate of William Patterson University, Adrienne was active in science-fiction and Star Trek fandom before she became one of the first female comic fans to break into the ranks of New York comics professionals. She initially assisted her then-husband, DC Comics staffer Anthony Tollin, with his freelance color work before she moved (rapidly) to working on her own. Before long, her work was seen on Superman, Green Lantern, Wonder Woman, Warlord, The New Teen Titans, House of Mystery and many other titles but she was most often associated with the DC books featuring Batman. Amazingly prolific — and often specifically requested by artists — she was at one point the only DC freelancer with her own desk in the company's Manhattan offices. She was also the first colorist signed by the firm to an exclusive, multi-year contract.

Her long tenure on Batman (more than 600 issues of various comics featuring the character) meant that her credit appeared on more tales of the Caped Crusader than anyone else except for Bob Kane. "Adrienne made it easy to take her for granted because she was quiet, pleasant, reliable — never any fuss with her — and her work was always exemplary," former Batman editor Dennis O'Neil recalls. "It's only in retrospect that I realize what a blessing she was to my editing."

She lived her final years in Austin, TX, and is survived by her daughter Katrina Tollin, her brother Normand Roy and her former husband and art partner, Anthony Tollin. She is also survived by more than 50,000 pages of colorful comic book storytelling featuring the World's Greatest Super-Heroes. I always liked Adrienne and am saddened (but given her recent health, not surprised) by this news.

Sunday, December 19, 2010

DJ Earworm “Working Feverishly” to Complete United State of Pop 2010

I'm wondering if this year's might be a little scary, due to the selections available.
Following the publication of the Billboard 100 for 2010 (USA music chart), DJ Earworm has been 'working feverishly' to complete his famed 'United State of Pop' mashup track, which seamlessly blends the top 25 tracks of the year.
Edit: If you want to keep your own watch, you can find DJ Earworm's website here.

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Change To Comments

I've made a change to how people are able to comment on my blog. Since the great number of anonymous comments that I receive on this blog (which is why comments have been on moderated status) are spam, I have made it so that people can no longer post anonymously on the blog. From now on, posting will require some form of logging on. Since I have taken away the ability to post anonymously, I have also taken away the moderated status for comments, and have activated the word verification instead. However, if spamming continues at the rate that it has (I receive at least five spam comments per day) I will reactivate moderation. Hopefully that won't be necessary.

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Spirit of the Four Colors Update

Just a note to those who followed my start on the "Spirit of the Four Colors" FATE build. I want you to know that they project hasn't died. I've just got paying jobs in the queue before it. Look for a big update in the new year. I already have some changes I want to make to the part I've posted and I've been thinking a lot about character creation. This is definitely not a dead project.

Wednesday, December 08, 2010

The 50 Dirtiest Comic Book Sex Scenes

So comic books have grown beyond spandex do-gooders punching jaywalkers in the breadbasket - now they're fit to depict the full range of human experience. And that includes sex.

Captain Britain And MI:13 - 25 Comics Cancelled Too Soon

In the old days, even the dumbest comics got a chance to thrive - hell, Dazzler lasted thirty-eight issues! Unfortunately, in the post-everything America, stuff gets cancelled right and left. Here's 25 comics that should have lived longer.

Sunday, November 21, 2010

It Aint Girl Talk… It's Better

I'm reposting a link to the Radioclash website (click the title above) for a series of compilations entitled "It Ain't Girl Talk, it's BETTER" put together by Tim of Radioclash (and mashup producer Instamatic), for those people who are under the misguided impression that Girl Talk does good mashups. These, my friends, are much better. Click and download. Click and download.

Well if you've been hanging around Pitchfork exclusively for the last 8 years you'd have missed all of the mixes (usually released free) by people who haven't had the handy PR-handup like Gregg Gillis has. And they can do it FAR better than he - and in most cases have been doing it longer