
Thursday, October 07, 2004 Cheney & Edwards Mangle Facts

Yes, I know that this isn't a political blog...and the stated goals of this blog have nothing to do with politics, elections, etc. However, I do feel that, as the election is getting closer, each of us has a responsibility (as Americans) to make sure that the proper information is getting out, and that each one of us is making as informed of a descion as possible when we enter into that voting booth on Nov. 2nd. Cheney & Edwards Mangle Facts

Its ironic that Cheney got the URL of the website that would show that those nasty democrats were lying about him wrong. "They know that if you go," Cheney said in the debate, "for example, to (sic), an independent Web site sponsored by the University of Pennsylvania, you can get the specific details with respect to Halliburton." The site, as you can see above is I know, a petty squabbling point.

Don't worry, this blog will soon return to its regularly scheduled geekiness.