
Thursday, November 04, 2004

Bloggers Said to Blame for Bad Poll Info

This really pisses me off. You know what, bloggers don't try to appear as if they are official newsgathering sources, nor do most of them pretend to be objective (like network news) but this is nuts. I can't believe that the networks don't have the balls to admit that they screwed things up AGAIN with election coverage. If you read the article, you will see that the "blogs" cited (and not all of them are even blogs) even said that the poll results were early and Slate even said "these early exit poll numbers do not divine the name of the winner."

I think that the networks need to take a good long look at their overzealous coverage of the election results, and stop reporting that a candidate has "won" a state when only 3% of the polls are reporting. The networks need to look at themselves, and their coverage of the election and not push the blame off onto others for their mistakes.

Ok, I promise this will be the last political posting for a very long time.

Bloggers Said to Blame for Bad Poll Info

"News organizations promised Wednesday to look into why their Election Day exit polls showed an initial surge for John Kerry, but also blamed bloggers for spreading news that gave a misleading view of the presidential race."