
Saturday, March 12, 2005

Steve Jackson Games 2005 Report to Stakeholders

Last year's report to the stakeholders was pretty informative. Makes me wish that more companies did this sort of things. I bet that companies like Guardians of Order would not be having some of the troubles that they are having, if they were as open as SJG is.

Steve Jackson Games 2005 Report to Stakeholders

"Steve Jackson Games Incorporated has a single stockholder . . . me. But we have a great many STAKEholders — that is, people who have a stake in the success of the business. These include our employees, our distributors, the retailers who carry our line, and, of course, the people who PLAY our games! Less obvious stakeholders, but very real, are the creative talents who produce our games, the printers who create the finished product, and the convention organizers who depend on us for game programming, prizes, and so on.

"We try to stay in good communication with all our stakeholders. The main avenues of communication are our website, the catalogs and other marketing material that we distribute, and the quarterly letter that goes to the 100+ people and companies to whom we pay royalties. But last year, as an experiment, I wrote a report not unlike the "report to the stockholders" that you would expect from a public company. It was a useful exercise for me, and I got a surprising amount of favorable feedback from all levels of the hobby. So let's do it again. Note that, unlike the typical "report to the stockholders," this report does not strictly start and finish with the calendar year 2004. There have been significant developments since December 31, and I'll discuss them."