
Saturday, March 19, 2005

Whedon Woos "Wonder Woman"

Whedon Woos "Wonder Woman"

"Joss Whedon has tackled ghastly aliens and dastardly vampires. So, why not work on something Wonder-ful?

"The Buffy the Vampire Slayer mastermind has officially lassoed the writing and directing job on Warner Bros.' big-screen version of Wonder Woman, the studio announced Thursday.

"'We are excited about working with Joss,' Warner Bros. Pictures President Jeff Robinov said in a statement. 'He brings great energy and creativity to the process.'

"Added Whedon: 'Wonder Woman is the most iconic female heroine of our time, but in a way, no one has met her yet. What I love most about icons is finding out what's behind them, exploring the price of their power.'"