
Tuesday, May 03, 2005

Alan Moore’s Twilight of the Superheroes

I come across this online from time to time, and thought that I might look it over for ideas for my Challengers: Beyond The Unknown campaign that is percolating in my head right now. If you haven't read this before, I whole-heartedly reccomend it. It is interesting how pieces have ended up in various stories anyway.

Alan Moore’s Twilight of the Superheroes

"Some time circa 1987, after Swamp Thing and Watchmen, and before his falling out with DC, comics legend Alan Moore submitted a proposal for a series that was never published. Twilight. Plunging the DC Universe into Ragnarok, Goetterdammerung, the Twilight of the Gods, it was never brought to fruition.

"This document surfaced later in an un-named Science Fiction fanzine and was transferred to the web by un-named fans. I cleaned up some of the obvious scanning errors (after a year scanning the work of Freud, I’ve come to recognize the difference between computer error and human error). Originally there was some question as to its validity. That is, was it really Alan Moore’s proposal, or a well-written hoax? Pros across the net all agreed that it was real. The stories they tell make this script into some sort of holy grail, a magical creation passing from hero to hero. The comments are worth reading. The authorship, however, is no longer in doubt. Both Alan Moore (to others) and DC Comics (to me) have said that this is in fact Moore’s proposal."