
Sunday, February 12, 2006


This has been a favorite site of mine since I first discovered it (and now that I am on their mailing list I get notified whenever it is updated). Unlike what you typically think of regarding photos and the internet, this site isn't about porn. Actually it is pretty worksafe other than the ocassional digression.

You're probably wondering why I'm bringing this up on this site then. Well, a lot of the photos can be used to spark ideas for characters, locations, and campaigns. There are a lot of subtle, slice of life things in the pictures on this site that can really cause your games to take off in unexpected directions (like the Anagram Map of London below).

That spark is what can make the difference between an engaging and enjoyable campaign, and a deary one. Enjoy, and let me know what you think.


"The Found Photos started last year while searching for mp3's using a filesharing program. I was searching through someones shared file list and saw a folder named 'pictures'. I downloaded the folder and found 20 or so digital camera pictures of this persons life taking pictures of himself, his friends etc. It made me wonder what else was out there, and after searching for more photos I found hundreds, thousands of them shared to everyone.

"The world seems like a smaller place after finding all these photos and posting the ones that are worthwhile. I can see so many of the same emotions and situations that i've experienced over the years, unique to each person but similar and instantly recognizable. I've filtered through 1000's and 1000's of photos of everyday life and not so everyday life to find the ones that make up the archives here. Hopefully the pictures as worthwhile to view as they have been to find.

"-Rich Vogel"
