
Sunday, April 23, 2006

Please Help Save Palladium from Going Under

Edit: I've given this some thought, and in light of Palladium's seemingly ongoing snarkiness towards its fanbase (both from Kevin Siembieda on the Palladium forums...and from Maryann Siembieda (or whatever her un-married name is now) regarding Kevin's snarkiness on RPGnet) I really can't justify to myself continuing keeping up a link to this farce.

So, the original post that was in this space is now gone...never to return.

I just want it known that I don't wish ill upon Palladium, its owner, or its employees. I enjoyed the years of entertainment that I got via my various Palladium games. I just don't think that it is right to outright beg from your fanbase out of one side of your mouth...and then bash parts of them out of the other.

I guess that some fans are better than others, huh Kevin?

It is quite sad, but after this the Dorkland! blog will no longer post anything of support to the company. Let the dice fall where they may.