
Saturday, July 29, 2006

Oh, I Am Wounded!!

From here:
Comment by Meister Cockstrike — July 29, 2006 @ 1:00 am

Oh yeah, "cjh". Cute, even better.

"Hey, this one guy’s blog post reminds me of X. I really hate X. All participants of X are pretentious whiny gasbags. F***ing makes me sick, that X. X folks are always putting us down, the way they say "we don’t get it". X totally pisses me off"
(psssst: This Blog is Not X, Doesn’t Say X, has NOTHING to do with X, so nice f***ing tangent that has nothing to do with f***ing anything)

I am tired of the preening. I am tired of the self-aggrandizing attacks against those who "Don’t get it."

Nice, gasbag. Keep banging that drum about X. When you come to your senses after you’re done jerking off, might want to read this journal post again, and how like he says nothing that you’re implying. No "don’t get it's", no "you’re deluding yourselves", none of that s***.

Way to build a strawman out of his own baggage.

BTW, this is the same guy who keeps jamming up craft threads on RPGNet, saying "I’m a *great* GM. I don’t need advice or rules to help me run my games, and therefore nobody else should either". Whatever.

There’s nothing to read over there; If I want to watch people see s***, then go off on that sh** because it "reminds them of X, and I f***ing hate X", I’ll go to f****ing Stormfront and read the real retards do it with style.

Yeah, I guess that I did misunderstand the comparison to one of the most important literary movements of American literature. You are so right, "Meister Cockstrike," I should have just realized that it was something humbly submitted. Nice and classy way to "refute" a comment by the way do the words ad hominem mean anything at all to you? Probably not. Not a big shock that the "method" used by this "movement" that prides itself on its intellect would be profanity and dick jokes. If you can't refute the claims then attack the person making them. Of course, in this country at least, it is a method that has been institutionalized into people by our political leadership. Its still pretty sad to see something like this coming from a "grown up." It must be that brain damage that gamers are suffering from.

Well, like I said in my comments to the post that started all of this, I have the IPs of people who have commented (whether they left a name or not) so I'm pretty sure that I know who posted this. Personally, between the pointless profanity (which I edited because I really don't think that there is a point behind it) and the adolecsent "humor" of someone posting as "Meister Cockstrike," I don't really think that I have to even attempt to discredit this "commentator." Thank you for showing how your great revolutionary and intellectual movement responds to others.

Again the strawman comes up and once again I will comment on it. I will say that I do love the fact that he uses the fallacy that because the post that ignited all of thi doesn't say the things that I never claimed it said that the rest of what I said must therefore be wrong. Wow. If that's the best that you guys can do, I am really not impressed. Of course when a movement's vanguard operative hides behind a name like "Meister Cockstrike" I guess that I shouldn't be surprised.

As to the personal attack regarding [Craft] threads on, I call BS on that. Demonstrate where I have said a single thing like that in one of those threads. Unlike some I never presume to push what I need or want in a game onto others, and I would never make a comment to the effect of "I don't need rules for X so they shouldn't be in games." What? I don't even understand a viewpoint like that, let alone attempt to enforce one. Of course I put a comment like the one that "Meister Cockstrike" has attempted to attribute to me in the same category as those who say "This game devotes more pages to combat than to social activities, so it is a combat game." Um, what? But regardless, this is just the sort of thing to be expect from these people and they wonder why people lose interest in a "movement" that is defended by people with as mature of name as "Meister Cockstrike." Indeed, quiet lame and really quite sad for that person. I pity the person who thinks that they have to act like a 14-year old in order to get the attention that they so desperately crave. It must be a sad life to be so dependant upon the attentions of others.

Regretfully, I find myself agreeing with the RPGPundit about the wounded personalities in this "movement." Again, though, the only word that I can come up with to sum this up is sad. It is sad that people invest so much of their identity in a game that they feel that they have to act this way over them. Ironically, these same people look with disdain upon the brain damaged and those whom they call the socially inept in our hobby. Ironic and more than slightly amusing.

Look, if you feel so invested that you have to mindlessly attack...have at it. It is obviously that important to you, and I wouldn't want to take away from you anything that defines who you are so strongly. If you think that I am losing sleep over these comments, or indeed even spending the time when I am away from this blog in contemplation of them...well you're wrong on that account. Keep in mind that your "opinions," such as they are, have no impact upon me. I just don't care. Of course now one of the amateur psychologists will be saying, "Of course he cares...look at all of the time and effort he has expended." Thinking that just means that you don't get it, do you? I don't care because I know that your "opinions" are wrong and are coming from some sort of weird, broken perspective and because of that they don't really matter. When people can create a discussion that doesn't have to do with resorting to name-calling, using puerile names like "Meister Cockstrike" (which sounds like something out of Beavis and Butthead or one of the lamer moments of one of Kevin Smith's movies), or ridiculous claims like those silly brain damage ones then perhaps your opinions can matter. Up until then, no dice.

Of course this isn't some battle between the traditional and those who think they are "revolutionary." I can sum up my feelings fairly simply: whatever.

Oh, and by the owe me a drink for all of this.