
Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Philip Reed to do FASERIP, a project to create an open source/free RPG compatible with the old game

I think that this is a great idea, and would love to see a favorite system of mine no longer languish as being out of print and without support. Phil has, to me, a proven track record and I think that he will put together a great game.

Philip Reed to do FASERIP, a project to create an open source/free RPG compatible with the old game
For $1,000 in donations Philip Reed will take two weeks to create a game titled 'FASERIP.' This will be a new, free, professionally-produced game that is opened so that other publishers may create supplements compatible with it.

FASERIP will be compatible with the old Basic and Advanced games that inspired it; the game's sole purpose is as an open source document for publishers. Players can use the game to play, but they'll gain little new value from the free product planned. It is the new supplements that can be created that will be of true value to everyday players.

FASERIP, if funded, will be created and released as a free PDF. After 30 days all feedback will be considered and the file updated at which point it will also be made available in print at cost.

NOTE: No work has been started. FASERIP will not be created until after it is funded.

If you have any questions about FASERIP please contact