
Wednesday, May 09, 2007

Man wants electoral voice for "living dead"

Of course the living dead need their voice to be heard in the political world. Brains without representation, or something like that...

Man wants electoral voice for "living dead"
A villager is campaigning in northern India for the rights of people declared legally dead by cheating relatives seeking to steal their assets.

Lal Bihari, a lower caste villager who lost his father's inheritance due to an unscrupulous uncle, formed the 'Union of the Dead' in 1980 to fight for the rights of thousands he says have fallen victim to scams by relatives.

He is contesting as an independent in a month-long election in Uttar Pradesh, India's most populous state, which ends on Tuesday.

In 1976, an uncle allegedly connived with corrupt local officials to fudge village records and declare Bihari dead. The uncle then won the inheritance of Bihari's father.

'It was only as late as in 1994 that I succeeded in proving myself alive,' Bihari, 52, said.