
Saturday, July 07, 2007

Origins: Day One Overview

Well, yesterday was our first day at Origins. I have to say that I was a little underwhelmed with my first impressions. Really, it seems like the con's industry attendance has shrunk again. Last year, WotC pulled out (which considering they have GenCon and that stuff up in Wisconson I can understand why they might not have needed Origins) of the show but it really felt smaller this year. The exhibitors room just seems to be rattling around in all of that space this year. Maybe that is a good thing for those publishers and dealers who are there. I'm not sure, it just seemed to have gotten smaller.

I played in a Call of Cthulhu game set in Tombstone. It was an interesting session, with a cool twist to the story in the end. Everyone seemed to have a good time about it. I did get to meet Matt Wiseman finally, too, so that was good.

Ran into Brad Elliot of EOS Press as well. My reputation from RPGnet proceeds me, at least in a good way with him. I saw a proof for Unhallowed Metropolis (more information here), their upcoming Victoriana/horror game, and I have to say that it looked pretty cool. The art was incredible and it just sucked you into the world of the setting. He said that it would be a GenCon release, and I have to say that it is something that I think that I'm going to be looking forward to. Brad also offered an after-hours demo, so I will have to try to take him up on that.

New Stuff Picked Up: True20 Companion and Mutants and Masterminds Pocket Players Guide from Green Ronin. They certainly had a lot of stuff in their booth.

Afterwards, met up with Gary Mengle and some others at Barleys (a brew pub across from the Convention Center) and had some very excellent micro-brewed stout. Perhaps a little too much, but it was a fun night. Also ran into Dave Bellar at the bar (which was a bit of a surprise) and we're going to try to meet up today at some point.

There's some interest in a Spirit of the Century game tonight, so that will probably take up part of the after-hours today.

All in all, looking forward to Day Two.