This September, Boom! -- in partnership with Dan Taylor -- is releasing a one-shot anthology, PULP TALES, 100% of the profits of which will be donated to artist Josh (30 DAYS OF NIGHT ANNUAL, FUSED) Medors, who's fighting a losing, health-insurance-light battle against cancer. Steve Niles, B. Clay Moore, Josh Fialkov and Tony Fleecs are just a few of the artists and writers who've donated their time and effort to this project, and they're all bringing their 'A' game.
Mike Wieringo snuck up on us. The suddenness of Michael Turner likewise surprised us. Josh isn't as well-known as those two guys, but he's a talented man with a good heart who's done well by us all and has been a great spokesperson for comics with the way he treats his fans--and while our donations can't make his cancer go away, they can make life easier for Josh and his family in a way we didn't get a chance to provide to others.
We've got two editions of this book shipping--a $3.99 edition with a Ben Templesmith cover and, for those readers who'd like to kick in a bigger donation to the cause, a $9.99 cover by Josh himself. I'm a terrible shill and a lousy salesman, so I'm not going to hard-sell anyone on this--but if whoever's reading this can help us make a difference to a fellow professional and his family while we still can, while it still counts, I'd be very grateful. Thank you.
Thursday, July 10, 2008
Boom! Comic's Josh Medors Benefit
From Mark Waid via Warren Ellis' Mailing List: