While a great deal has been written over the years about Archie Andrews and his pals the same cannot be said about Archie Comic Publications' superheroes. Few people seem to know that not only Archie Comic Publications get its start-under a different name mind you-in 1939-as a publisher of superhero comics but that it was one of the more innovative comics publishers in the industry. This article is an attempt to rectify that and while space limitations prevent me from going into a great amount of detail I hope that I can at least cover the more important points regarding Archie Comic Publications' superhero history.
Friday, November 28, 2008
A Historical Overview of the "Archie Superheroes" Part One
I always liked the "Archie Suerheroes," and I was introduced to them via the Red Circle Comics relaunch of the very early 1980s before DC Comics did the revamp of the characters with !mpact Comics a few years later on. Some great characters by some of the great creators (Simon and Kirby just to name two), and it looks like DC is going to take another swing at publishing them. Should be interesting.