Welcome to Amnar.
Amnar is a place that is not earth, but mirrors earth. Amnar is about all the things that happen on earth but in a place that is elsewhere.
Amnar has no orcs, no elves. The characters you will meet here are all human beings, just like you. They live in a world that you have never been to, but if you've travelled at all, walked through the Namibian Desert, sailed the Yangtzee in China, walked across the great stretches of pale savannah such as the Masai Mara or the Serengeti, then you might well recognise the landscape.
This is a place of great cathedral like halls built underground in a chthonic maze, a world that harbours the same darkness and light that our world does. And that darkness, that light, is thoroughly human in nature.
Amnar is political intrigue, psychological thriller, love story, drama, melodrama, spy tale, and personal legend with the added bonus of a few fire breathing dragons.