Thursday, April 28, 2011

Skills in Castles & Crusades: Take 2

Readers of this blog and my Twitter stream know that I've become a fan of Troll Lord Games' Castles & Crusades. Just today on Twitter I mentioned wanting to see GammaSIEGE, a Castles & Crusades take on post-apocalyptic gaming that would combine the best elements of things like Gamma World and Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles and bring it together under the mechanics of Castles & Crusades. That tweet got me thinking about the game and tweaks to it I would like. I know I am in a minority, it seems, but I would like a skill system for Castles & Crusades. It's just the way that I role.

This is actually my second attempt at a skill system. My first (found here) was based off of the StarSIEGE game and hewed closer to the Siege Engine. This version is (to me) a bit simpler and is influenced by skill systems in more old school games.

I've uploaded a PDF to Google Docs that you can find here. I'm curious to hear comments and feedback, either in the comments for this post or in my Twitter or Facebook feeds.
