
Wednesday, April 03, 2013

Bone Hill Remix Adventure

In a conversation with +Wayne Humfleet over on G+ he pointed out the old Internet Archive pages for WotC. Nosing around I found the pages from when they put up some of the old AD&D modules for free download. Nothing is ever lost on the internet.

+Zak Smith has been doing some cool remix projects, both on his blog and over on Google Plus, and one of the items that I found via the Internet Archive made me think of what he was doing, and how something cool could be done with it. Obviously this is still copyrighted material, so all of this is done as homage or parody or fair use...whatever gets the blog into the least amount of trouble.

So, what I found (and that I totally had forgotten about) was a Rich Text File of the text from the AD&D module L1: "The Secret of Bone Hill," along with some maps and a few interior pieces of art. And then I thought that this would make for a cool remix project for people. Go to the link, and the files are just underneath where it goes. Then do a search & replace, or cut and mix the text into something new, cool and fun. Then release it into the wilds so that everyone can share your cool adventure.

The quality of the images isn't great, but there are some great tool to create something new and weird. Just remember: no OGL or publishing these things, because we don't really own them. If you have questions, ask over there.

Once you have your remix, link it in the comments on this post or over on my G+ post and I'll gather them all up and link to whatever you do with them. This could be some fun, I think Go remix Bone Hill!