The nice folks at Steve Jackson Games sent one of their brand new Munchkin Messenger Bags
It isn't cheap, but Amazon Prime users will get the free shipping on it. In addition to a study and functional bag that can carry two Munchkin boxes you also get four exclusive Munchkin cards (which in fine Munchkin form must be used in the game in conjunction with the messenger bag) and a special, over-sized six-sided die. The bag will also carry pens, paper, and other sundry supplies.
There you can see the cards and the die as they sit upon my lovely and picturesque laptop. The exclusive cards were funny and one of the had the "bag of holding" joke that I expected as a long time RPGer.
With convention season upon us, I think this will be an important part of the con arsenal of any well-dressed gamer this season. Don't miss out, grab yours today.
Update: I meant to add these images to the post initially and forgot. The other day I shared on Twitter and G+ a couple of images of the upcoming changed box for the core Munchkin game that I found online. I wanted to put them here too.