Monday, October 29, 2007

Japanese Vending Machines: Books & Earthquake Aid : Japan Probe

I wish that Americans were honest enough to have the same sort of vending machine culture that they have in Japan. I really think it would rock.

Here are two examples of what is new in the world of Japanese vending machines.

First we have a video of a new book vending machine at JR’s Ebisu Station. Some customers prefer buying books the old fashioned way, but a poll found that 75% find the new vending machine to be convenient.

Next we have a new model of Coca Cola vending machine that receives news signals and informs people of current events and weather on a news ticker. In the event of a major earthquake, such machines will get a special signal that makes them display emergency messages and converts them into free drink dispensers. There are already 10,000 machines of this type throughout Japan.

The linked article has links to a couple of (Japanese language) YouTube videos.

Friday, October 26, 2007

Four Color: Free and On RPGNow

Philip Reed's Four Color (4C) System is done and ready for the public!

This complete in 34 pages role-playing system is all that you need to launch your own adventures in super-hero universes. An emulator for an old MARVELous game, the new material and old material are all compatible and can be used in each game system.


Thursday, October 25, 2007

Beyond the Groovy Age of Horror

Here's a cool little blog that I found when I was trying to Google up some information on a cheesy 60s "Black Magic" English horror novel that I picked up cheap a while back.

If you're wondering, the book is The Curse of Rathlaw by Peter Saxon (which was apparently a publisher's house name) dealing with a group called THE GUARDIANS who fought against Black Magic and the Dark Arts.

It's actually pretty good. Eventually I'll have to see if I can track down others in the series.

But regardless, check out this site. Not only does it has some good stuff about 60s-70s horror but it's got the goods on the pulps and various hardboiled/noir writings as well. I know that there are readers of this blog that are interested in that stuff as well.

Friday, October 19, 2007

National Do Not Call Registry

If you signed up with the National Do Not Call Registry in 2003, it is time to re-up your registration. Registration only lasts for five years.

The National Do Not Call Registry gives you a choice about whether to receive telemarketing calls at home. Most telemarketers should not call your number once it has been on the registry for 31 days. If they do, you can file a complaint at this Website. You can register your home or mobile phone for free. Your registration will be effective for five years.

A public service announcement from Dorkland.

Wednesday, October 17, 2007


While you will find plenty of interesting people talking about interesting things at this page, I highlighted two that I thought might be of particular interest to the audience. Check it out.
Author, journalist and contributing editor at Wired magazine Bruce Sterling understands why people get confused about new technology concepts. In what he sees as a culture war of web semantics, Bruce gets the audience’s attention with a unique call for a new vocabulary to better describe experiences with technology.

Listen to the Pop!Cast here.

Musician, producer and artist Brian Eno shows how simple things can give rise to complex things—in art and life. See how he uses Darwin’s ecological model of the world as a roadmap for human culture now and in the future.

Listen to the Pop!Cast here.

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Gaming Library Update

Well, since I've got the time on my hands I decided to organize things a bit. Today I tackled some of my gaming stuff.

Gaming Library Update

Gaming Library Update

Gaming Library Update

Gaming Library Update

Gaming Library Update

Of course, now I have to find a place to put the books that I had to take off that bookcase.

Monday, October 15, 2007

Youngblood at Heart

I think that I just threw up a little in my mouth.

Liefeld and McFarlane were like the rock stars of the comic world, the two most recognizable of the faces among the new upstarts, having also been instrumental in the creation of such up-and-coming Marvel characters as Cable, Deadpool and Venom.

Casper The...Friendly Ghost?

He’s been around since 1949, but what do we really know about Casper the 'Friendly' Ghost?

Looking over the remarkable Casper The Friendly Ghost omnibus (Dark Horse, $19.95) of almost 500 pages of Casper stories from 1949 to 1966, some scary patterns begin to emerge.

Is Casper really so 'friendly' as he lets on? What do we really know about him?

I was bored and took a thorough examination of the so-called 'friendly' ghost.

Right there, in the introduction to the book, Harvey Comics editor Sid Jacobsen is quoted denying that Casper is the ghost of a dead child. He says a ghost just exists, with no past, like a giant or a fairy.

This disputes the religious worldview that declares that ghosts are the souls of the dead, unless of course Casper and his people are something altogether new and different.

Like Skrulls.

Friday, October 12, 2007


A magazine/blog hybrid.

Available in print and online.