Thursday, December 13, 2012

Tomorrow People, Where Is Your Past?

The other day I pitched to my G+ Hangout group doing a Fate-based game for a bit, using the playtest files from the Fate Core Kickstarter. After I sent them all a message, I was nosing around YouTube when I found an old video from the British TV show from the 70s, The Tomorrow People.

This science fiction series featured a group of kids, and young adults, who were the next step in human evolution: Tomorrow People! The Tomorrow People had evolved mental powers (revolving around the powers of telepathy, telekinesis and teleportation). These Tomorrow People also had the genetic disposition towards non-violence, which meant that there wasn't a lot of fighting or big guns in the show. The most offensive that the Tomorrow People would get would be using stun guns at times.

This is sort of the seed of the game that I have pitched, with the characters being similar to Tomorrow People. The non-violent natures will make for interesting play as it will force the players to think outside of the box of how gaming traditionally deals with conflict, which is typically violence.

So, I am looking at a 70s style of science fiction, probably in a more contemporary setting. We will use the setting creation tools of Fate Core to fill in some of the blanks of this setting, starting from these seeds.

Also, David Bowie will probably seep into the mix as an influence as well.

We have some loose ends to tie up in the Swords & Wizardry game before we get to playing this, so we're not looking to start until middle or late January. It will be nice to shift gears for a bit and give a different type of gaming. It will be a good way to recharge the creative batteries.

Dorkland! Rountable with James Raggi

I spoke with James Raggi, of Lamentations of the Flame Princess (both the game and the company) about his history as a gamer, getting into game design and some of the differences between gaming "culture" in America and Finland.

Who knew that Finland considered internet access a basic human right? Anyway, there is some good stuff in here. I tried to dig around in some of his influences, both in fiction and in heavy metal music, to get at the root of the whys behind his creation of the Lamentations of the Flame Princess game, as well as his various adventures. His aesthetic is an interesting one, and it gets at the root of the differences between the approach of his game and some of the other retroclones out there.

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Dorkland! Picks: Some Of My Music Favorites From 2012

Yeah, I've never really been a fan of "year's best" lists. They tend to be weighted heavily towards whatever has been on the commentator's CD player/turntable for the last few weeks or months, forgetting the stuff that might have come out earlier in the year. And when you have as big of a musical year as you did in 2012, there is a lot of stuff that can just disappear without knowing it. So, instead, I'm going to do a post about some of the albums that came out this past year that were my favorites (with an occasional nod to a single or two, and some non-traditional releases as well).

This isn't a "top" anything list, other than being some of the stuff that I enjoyed listening to over the last twelve months or so. They aren't listed in any particularly order, just how they pop out of my mind and how they showed up in my Winamp player.

I own a lot of music, in a lot of formats and in a lot of styles. Hopefully this list will reflect that. I will share links to some YouTube videos, where I can, for those of you who may not have heard all of the bands that I am going to talk about today. Strap yourselves in, folks, we are in for a bit of a bumpy ride.

Monday, December 10, 2012

Swords & Wizardry on G+

This past weekend a new "function" rolled out on Google Plus, called communities. Communities are sort of like forums, but in the same style and formatting as G+ proper. It is a nice functionality because it does away with some of the things that I hate about online forums and it allows you to interact with new people that you may not know, without having to leave the relative safety of your Google+ stream.

The Swords & Wizardry Discussion community sort of exploded (in a good way), but we are looking for more people to join in on the discussions. Matt Finch and various of the Frog God Games people are already active in the community, as well as some of your favorite Swords & Wizardry bloggers. Click on the image, and come join us.

Friday, November 30, 2012

Dorkland! Roundtable Doubleshot: George E. Williams and Jason Morningstar

Another double shot of my baby's love, or in this case Dorkland! Roundtables.

I spoke with George E. Williams (also known as Loki). You may know him from the Planewalker gaming site, or with his work as a freelancer on some cool Pathfinder material. We talked about his gamer origins and some of our favorite ways to prepare and/or eat alligator. This is the point at which I would say "it was a fun talk," but that is starting to become a bit of a cliche in my writeups of these Roundtables. I am enjoying the reveal of the things that make us similar as gamers, but I am finding those bits and pieces that make us unique from each other to be even more interesting to discover.

I think most of you know who Jason Morningstar is, after all Tabletop did do an actual play of his game Fiasco, and there are many, many more people who watch them than me. Up at that link some people play a game of Fiasco (although according to Jason in our interview they do get a few things wrong, but that's OK too), which is interesting to watch. I admit that I've seen Fiasco at some stores around town, but I haven't played it myself. It does look like it could be fun. He also talked about the origins and development of his latest (at the time of this interview and post) game Durance as well.

This was an interesting interview. We talked about a lot of Jason's games, but we also spent time talking about his interest in LARPs (Live Action Roleplaying, just in case there's someone who reads this blog and doesn't know what that means). LARPing is another one of those things that I have never done, but find interesting, so the conversation was of interest to me. I should look into finding some people involved with LARPing for future Roundtables.

So, at the beginning of this post I talk about discovering the differences that we have as gamers. I think that those differences is where the interesting stuff all goes on. Some would have you believe that there is this monoculture of geekiness, or even of gaming, but I think that these interviews start to show something different. Yes, there are points of similarity in us all...many of us entered into gaming through some of the same games, or we have some similar interests, but as time passes those similarities start to drift and become less and less important as we find our own voices. Nothing is as important as finding your own voice, even if others don't like it.

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Dorkland! Roundtable Doubleshot: Steve Russell and Ben Gerber

I have fallen terribly behind on posting my Dorkland! Roundtables to my blog. To catch up I am doing a two-fer of Steve Russell and Ben Gerber. 

I spoke with Steve Russell of Rite Publishing. Steve's company is a 3PP (third party publisher for those not hip to the lingo) for Paizo's Parthfinder RPG, as well as having an upcoming game using the system from Erick Wujcik's trendsetting Amber Diceless, produced under license from the current rights holders of the game. Steve gave some interesting insights into being a small press games publisher during our talk.

and Ben Gerber, creator of the Troll In The Corner website and the delightful role-playing game for children of all ages, Argyle & Crew. We talked about returning to gaming, and taking that interest in gaming from blogging to design to publishing. Ben also talked about the board game that he is working on, that he hopes to find a larger press board game publisher to pick up from him.

Both were great interviews and gave some interesting perspectives on being a small press publisher.

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

The Magic World Cover

Magic World from Chaosium games is coming. Built from their historic and influential line of fantasy role-playing games comes a new edition of Magic World. This is a "generic" fantasy RPG that isn't tied to any one world or setting and is built from the foundation of Chaosium's Basic Role-Playing system that haw powered such games as Call of Cthulhu, Runequest, SuperWorld and Larry Niven's Ringworld. Here is a first look at the cover to come:

There is also further support for Magic World past this core book planned, so stay tuned for more to come.

Item # CHA2028
220 Pages (estimated)
SRP $26.95 (estimated)
ISBN10: 1568823657
by Lynn Willis, Ben Monroe & Friends

You can find out more about the upcoming Magic World at: and

Between this book and the new edition of OpenQuest coming, I am very excited for percentile-based gaming.

Friday, November 02, 2012

Fun With YouTube Analytics

As many of you know, I use Google+ Hangouts and YouTube to record interviews with various people in gaming, designers and publishers mostly. I also use them to run a couple of games and record them as well. I was looking at some of the anayltics that YouTube provides and found them interesting. I'm not sure what they mean to me, or what they should mean to you, but I thought that I would share them anyway. This particular table is over the last 30 days.

Average view duration
Average view percentage
Dorkland! Roundtable with
Rafael Chandler
Dorkland! Roundtable with
Zak Smith
Masks of Nyarlathotep:
Episode 1
Dorkland! Roundtable with
Wolfgang Baur
Dorkland! Roundtable with
James Maliszewski
Dorkland! Roundtable with
Jason Durall and Ben Monroe
Dorkland! Roundtable:
CONcurrent Q&A With Keith
Dorkland! Roundtable with
Steve Russell
Dorkland! Roundtable with
Tracy Barnett
Dorkland! Roundtable With
Kyrinn Eis

I think that it is interesting to see how long people are actually watching these interviews (and the one actual play video that made this list). It might not mean anything, but still it is interesting to see.

The gender breakdown over the last 30 days is Male 84.6% and Female 15.4%. I'm assuming that information is taken from accounts, but I don't know.

Thursday, November 01, 2012

Terran Trade Authority Kickstarter

The Kickstarter for the new edition of the seminal British Science Fiction classic The Terran Trade Authority has started. If you don't know about this incredibly cool space opera setting from the 1970s, check out the Wikipedia page for a bit more information. This edition will featuring role-playing rules, in addition to the setting material, for the Savage Worlds game.

Click below to go to the Kickstarter page for this project.

Monday, October 29, 2012

Dorkland! Roundtable with Rafael Chandler

I spoke with Rafael Chandler, an indie RPG designer and computer game designer on my Dorkland! Roundtable. We talked about his game Dread: The First Book of Pandemonium (with a new edition coming out this Fall), his work in computer games, his first novel and his love of heavy metal music.

It is becoming a bit of a cliche, I think, for me to talk about how fun these interviews are, but there are so many different perspectives and playstyles at work in gaming and it is good to see beyond what you normally do and you normally expect from a game, so that you can see the perspectives of others, what others are doing out there.