Saturday, December 15, 2007


Well, it looks like we might be getting plenty of snow out of this.

Thursday, December 13, 2007

Machine Girl Trailer


Hell Comes to Fangoria

Hell came to FANGORIA last Wednesday when a massive fire that swept through a warehouse in Oregon, IL destroyed our supply of back issues used to fulfill mail and on-line orders. Also consumed by the flames were copies of STARLOG, STAR TREK and our dozens of past movie tie-in magazines. As a result, we are unfortunately no longer able to process back-issue orders for any of our past titles—so collectors, hold onto the ones you’ve got!

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

The NeoPulp Manifesto

I found this through a link at Warren Ellis' new web community, and thought that it might be of potential interest to readers (I'm looking at you Jonny...yeah, right through the internet):
NeoPulp is not a new style of writing. It is a fusion of several well-tenured styles of writing.

NeoPulp draws liberally from the fantastic stories of this and previous centuries, a melange of mythology and popular culture (take a bit of Godzilla, a bit of Paradise Lost, some giant robots, the sexual tension of a romance novel and the Bhagavad-Gita and mix them all together), and adds to this a “literary” understanding of characters’ motivations and emotional needs.

NeoPulp embraces the clichés of pulp writing: the naïve superscience of B-movies, the nefarious underworld criminal mastermind, the lone sheriff against a town of outlaws, the young woman torn between love for a mysterious stranger and respect for her fiancée, and the mad god bent on destruction, and examines them closely in an attempt to find - or try - something novel: a subversion, an inversion, a juxtaposition, a statement about the human condition.

NeoPulp is born of a love and admiration for the flawed nature of pulp culture; it is not an exercise in poking fun at the plot and character shortcomings that are endemic to pulp. Such things are obvious and have been done to death. Rather, NeoPulp attempts to create a real and sympathetic portrait of these bizarre and self-contradictory characters and situations.

NeoPulp fuses the legacy of romantic, realist, post-modern and modernist writing with popular culture entities such as B-movies, comics, television, pop music and airport novels.

NeoPulp places realistically-defined characters into fantastic situations. It avoids the two-dimensional characterisation of pulp fiction while embracing every aspect of its subject material.

I think there's some merit to what he's saying, and some application to his thoughts but I do think that he's taking things a little bit too seriously in the way that post-modernists/pop culturalists tend to do. I think that a big part of what makes "Pulp" pulp is its inability to take things at a surface value, to not accept the seriousness of a situation. Perhaps a fusion of these ideas with Borges ideas on fantasy (if you haven't read his Book of Fantasy I just don't know you).

I guess, at the root, I worry about the whimsy being drained out of things; that sense of wonder that makes pulp what it is. But still, there are some good ideas that can be extracted and put to use.

Sunday, December 09, 2007

No! by Thomas Hood

No sun--no moon!
No morn--no noon!
No dawn--no dusk--no proper time of day--
No sky--no earthly view--
No distance looking blue--
No road--no street--no 't'other side this way'--
No end to any Row--
No indications where the Crescents go--
No top to any steeple--
No recognitions of familiar people--
No courtesies for showing 'em--
No knowing 'em!
No traveling at all--no locomotion--
No inkling of the way--no notion--
'No go' by land or ocean--
No mail--no post--
No news from any foreign coast--
No Park, no Ring, no afternoon gentility--
No company--no nobility--
No warmth, no cheerfulness, no healthful ease,
No comfortable feel in any member--
No shade, no shine, no butterflies, no bees,
No fruits, no flowers, no leaves, no birds--

Thursday, December 06, 2007

Ultimates 3 #1

Well, this will be short, sweet and to the point.

Color me extremely disappointed in this book. For all the flaws that Ultimates 1 and 2 had (and most of those being issues of scheduling), they had an energy and an excitement to them that drew the readers in. Well, they drew me in at least.

This first issue was disjointed, jarring and poorly explained and executed. The story begins in media res which can be hackneyed in the wrong hands, and in this case Jeph Loeb's hands are the wrong ones. Most of the characters are cyphers, with seemingly little progression from the two previous series.

There just isn't a lot there to sell the book past this first issue. The only real comparison that I can make is to the Heroes Reborn run on Avengers (which Loeb was involved with as well). The comparision, however, doesn't help Ultimates 3.

Unless this book picks up, and quickly, I don't see my following it.